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更新时间:2025-03-10 13:34:20

electromagnetic spectrum

英 [ɪˌlektrəʊmægˈnetɪk ˈspektrəm]

美 [ɪˌlɛktromæɡˈnɛtɪk ˈspɛktrəm]


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1. the entire frequency range of electromagnetic waves

1. 电磁波谱:19世纪中由马克斯威尔(James Maxwell)及赫兹(Heinrich Hertz)将光总结於电磁理论,进一步确定光波乃某固定波段的电磁波,即所有的辐射能均包含电磁波并以光速传递. 光系电磁波谱(electromagnetic spectrum)的一部份,藉波的移动传递能量.

2. 电磁频谱:自从伽利略(Galileo)和雷文霍克(Van Leeuwenheok)的时代,这些仪器已经被大大地改进且广泛地运用在其他部分的电磁频谱(Electromagnetic Spectrum). 双筒望远镜(Binocular)是一项很普遍并轻巧的仪器,於行动中使用相当便利. 照相机(Camera)是一种可以储存影像的光学仪器.

3. 电磁波频谱:电磁波频谱(Electromagnetic Spectrum)是指电磁波频率的全部范围,包括无线电频率(RF). 是指:电磁波频谱(Electromagnetic Spectrum)是指电磁波频率的全部范围,包括无线电频率(RF).

4. 电磁光谱:electric trolley 电车 | electromagnetic spectrum电磁光谱 | emission control 废气排出控制

Name the man of Steel movie where Lex Luthor comes to his senses once he's able to see the world as Superman does, watching atoms dance in the electromagnetic spectrum.(想想在钢铁英雄电影中莱克斯·卢梭能够像超人那样看到这个世界时的样子,他回过神来,看见原子们在电磁光谱中跳跃着。)
But when supermassive black holes at the center of a galaxy feed, the material falling into them heats up, giving off a bright glow across the electromagnetic spectrum.(然而,当星系中心质量超级大的黑洞“吞食”时,落入其中的物质便会升温,发出一道明亮的光,通过电磁波频谱可以显示出来。)
Moreover, proposes a generalized flow cytometer, a system device that can realize living cells in electromagnetic spectrum analysis experiment.(并且提出“广义流式细胞仪”这样一个可实现电磁生物研究中对活体细胞进行电磁波谱分析的仪器系统。)
His discovery of the electromagnetic spectrum led to the development of television, radio, microwaves, as well as aiding in the development of radio and infrared telescopes.(他发现的电磁特性最终导致电视、广播、微波炉的发明,并且也对无线电和红外望远镜的发明起到了重要作用。)
The avian eye is complex. Like humans, birds' eyes can detect light along the electromagnetic spectrum from violet to red.(鸟类的眼睛是很复杂的,就像人类一样,鸟类的眼睛能够察觉到电磁波谱上从紫色到红色的光线。)
Ultraviolet LEDs could provide a way to replace and enhance this part of the electromagnetic spectrum to produce darker, more colorful lettuces.(紫外线发光二极管则可以提供一种方式来提高电磁频谱的一部分,从而生产出颜色更深、更多姿多彩的莴苣。)
Electromagnetic spectrum: a chart showing the relative position of all electromagnetic radiation by their wavelength.(电磁光谱:各个辐射能的有关波长位置图表。)
Visible light is part of the electromagnetic spectrum and 10,000 times bigger than the radio spectrum, affording potentially unlimited capacity.(可见光是电磁光谱的一部分,比无线电频谱要大1万倍,因而可说具有无限的开发潜力。)
Number of Stars; Electromagnetic Spectrum Limit.(恒星数、电磁波谱极限。)
The filters cover various wavelengths over the ultraviolet, blueand red portions of the electromagnetic spectrum.(三个滤镜覆盖了电磁光谱的紫外、蓝和红部分的波长。)
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